Adam Bar, Developer in Gdańsk, Poland
Adam is available for hire
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Adam Bar

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Progressive Web Applications (PWA) Developer

Gdańsk, Poland
Toptal Member Since
October 30, 2019

Passionate about mobile web, Adam is the creator of What Web Can Do Today (, a website that aims to review device integration capabilities of the web. He's a front-end technologies trainer, React practitioner, PWA expert, and full-stack developer experienced on various tech stacks and is most recently loyal to TypeScript.


Toptal Projects
Node.js, TypeScript, JavaScript
Bottega IT Minds
JavaScript, TypeScript, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), React
Bright Inventions
Amazon Web Services (AWS), PostgreSQL, Node.js, Kotlin, AngularJS, React...




Preferred Environment

JetBrains, Git, WebStorm, MacOS

The most amazing...

...thing I've achieved is delivering the best rated talk at the front-end track at the 4Developers 2019 conference.

Work Experience

Full-stack Software Developer

2019 - PRESENT
Toptal Projects
  • Created a full-stack Node.js-based solution for the startup.
  • Developed from scratch and maintained the front-end in React.js.
  • Set up the AWS cloud infrastructure based on Docker.
  • Took part in identifying the project's requirements and estimation.
Technologies: Node.js, TypeScript, JavaScript

Front-end Trainer and Consultant

2018 - PRESENT
Bottega IT Minds
  • Ran numerous custom front-end technologies trainings and workshops for IT professionals.
  • Conducted front-end application audits and code reviews for external customers.
  • Took part in defining the training agendas and programs.
Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), React

Tech Lead and Software Developer

2014 - 2019
Bright Inventions
  • Took part in multiple projects for various remote customers fulfilling the tech lead and full-stack developer roles in a software shop specialized in web & mobile apps.
  • Provided full-stack development in several projects with React, TypeScript, Node.js, PostgreSQL, AWS, and Docker.
  • Implemented Ethereum-based blockchain processing system with Node.js.
  • Took part in a large retail system processing millions of transactions based on JVM/Kotlin, PostgreSQL, and AngularJS as a full-stack developer.
  • Implemented AngularJS and Leaflet web app talking through with Node.js and PostgreSQL back end (full stack development).
  • Took part in an iOS app for 200,000+ employee company (Objective-C).
  • Provided full-stack development for AngularJS web and iOS apps with Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL back end.
  • Wrote for Bright Inventions blog.
  • Contributed to open-source (cloud form and bug fixes in various libraries).
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), PostgreSQL, Node.js, Kotlin, AngularJS, React, JavaScript, TypeScript

Software Developer

2010 - 2014
  • Took a senior role in a 40+ developers software project.
  • Designed, implemented, and maintained the system using continuous delivery and test-driven development practices.
  • Mentored and ran in-house trainings for the new hires.
  • Published the series with full documentation of NHibernate's new feature of the time, mapping-by-code.
Technologies: NServiceBus, NHibernate, ASP.NET MVC, JavaScript, C#

Software Developer

2008 - 2010
Cookie/Use It Better
  • Designed and implemented eCommerce and marketing applications for external customers.
  • Maintained the existing systems in direct cooperation with the customer.
  • Took part in gathering requirements for the projects for external customers.
Technologies: MySQL, JavaScript, PHP

What Web Can Do Today
An overview of the device integration HTML5 APIs. The website that was repeatedly endorsed by many subject-matter experts, including Google employees.

Looking for the Holy Grail of Mobile Web Performance
Conference talk - a wide overview of the many web performance practices and strategies to employ to satisfy our mobile users’ needs - from the HTTP-level tweaks via load and render time optimization to smooth scrolling and animations tricks.

What Would You Do Without a Framework? Front-End Anew with Lit-HTML
Conference talk about lit-html – the library that easily abstracts the complexities of direct DOM operations – and its cousin lit-element, with which the Web Components are at our fingertips today. Assessing how much you can have for that little and we'll think whether lit-html may become the serious frameworks alternative.


TypeScript, JavaScript, SQL, ECMAScript (ES6), HTML, CSS, Sass, Kotlin, Java, C#, Bash, PHP


Redux, AngularJS, Bulma, Bootstrap, NestJS, Express.js, ASP.NET MVC, NHibernate


React, REST APIs, HTML5 APIs, jQuery, Leaflet, Flexbox, Node.js, NServiceBus


Git, JSX, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), Webpack, WebStorm, JetBrains


Object-relational Mapping (ORM), Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Prototype-based OOP, Class-based OOP, Test-driven Development (TDD), Functional Programming, Web Performance Optimization (WPO)


Progressive Web Applications (PWA), CSS Grid, Responsive Design


Amazon Web Services (AWS), MacOS


PostgreSQL, MySQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)

2005 - 2010

Master of Science Degree in Computer Science

Technical University of Gdańsk - Gdańsk, Poland

Collaboration That Works

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